Following up from our Adopt from a Reputable Rescue or Buy from a Reputable Breeder? blog post we wrote; the next question is to figure out which breed will make the right fit for your lifestyle. Researching breeds is important. Do your homework and find the best fit for you and your family! Every dog deserves the right loving home. If you have been dreaming of adding a pup to the family for a while now, you probably know what you are looking for.
There are so many questions to ask and quizzes to take on the internet and while they can be fun, it is important to ask yourself questions about your own lifestyle and get a dog that can fit in with it. When thinking of breeds, many factors can come into play such as, playfulness, adaptability, affection, if they are hypoallergenic, the size of dog, compatibility with children and other dogs, training and work, exercise, and grooming care. Thinking of these can help narrow down the search.
And think about what qualities are most important to you, your lifestyle, and the people around you.
If you do not know where to begin, here are some questions to ask when researching the perfect breed for you:
- What should you consider about your lifestyle?
- What if I love big dogs and the outdoors but only have a small place?
- Which dogs are best for kids?
- Can rescue pups be more work to train and integrate into the family?
- If I really love a certain breed of dog, can I make it fit into my lifestyle?
- Once I know what breed, should I look at breeders or rescues first? Does it matter?
- If we have another pet already, what breed is recommended?
- Certain dogs have certain stereotypes, should I consider those when picking a breed?
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